
    Main types and spatial distribution of geohazards in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province

    • 摘要: 宝鸡是中国地质灾害发育较强的地区之一。为揭示其地质灾害分布规律,在2006—2012年持续7年的地质灾害详细调查资料和综合研究成果分析的基础上,统计宝鸡市地质灾害的主要类型和空间分布特征,结果显示宝鸡市地质灾害主要类型为滑坡、崩塌、泥石流和不稳定斜坡4类,其中滑坡数量最多达887处,约占总数的57%,主要沿渭河谷地、东北部黄土丘陵区、南部和西部山区中人类工程活动频繁的山间盆地和主干道路切坡沿线密集分布;其次为崩塌328处,约占总数的21.23%,再次为不稳定斜坡234处,约占总数的15.15%,崩塌和不稳定斜坡主要分布于渭河盆地周边的塬边和丘陵斜坡带、东北部典型黄土丘陵区高陡斜坡带和基岩山区交通干线道路沿线的切坡地段;泥石流灾害数量最少为96处,约占总数的6.21%,集中分布在西南部陇山、秦岭山区沟谷和黄土丘陵区的沟壑中。目前,频繁发生的浅层小型滑坡和崩塌灾害,特别是黄土地区房前屋后和山区公路边坡地段的小型滑坡和崩塌灾害,是宝鸡市减灾、防灾关注的重点。


      Abstract: Baoji City is one of the areas in China that suffer from geo-hazards. To evaluate the spatial distribution of landslide disasters,the authors analyzed the main types of geo-hazards and their distribution characteristics on the basis of detailed investigation and comprehensive research on geo-hazards in Baoji City. The study was focused on the regional spatial distribution of different types of geological hazards. The results show that landslides, collapses, debris flows and unstable slopes are main types of geological hazards in Baoji City. There are 887 landslides accounting for 7.75% of the total geological hazards. Landslides are mainly distributed in Weihe River valley, northeast hilly area, and southern and western intermountain basins where there are frequent human engineering activities and engineering cutting slopes. There are 328 collapses, accounting for 21.23%. The number of unstable slope reaches 234, accounting for 15.15%. Collapses and unstable slopes are distributed in the loess plateau edge slope belt surrounding Weihe River basin, steep slopes in northeast typical loess hilly area and engineering slopes along road transportation lines. There are 96 debris flows, which possess the least proportion of all the geo-hazards, accounting for 6.21%. The disaster reduction and prevention in Baoji City should be focused on the shallow landsides and collapses nowadays, especially small-scale loess collapse and rock collapses behind resident buildings and small slopes along mountain highways.


