
    Case study of landslide characteristics and hazard assessment in Taibai County, central Qinling Mountains

    • 摘要: 以陕西省太白县为例,分析了秦岭中部山区地质灾害形成的地质环境条件,重点指出在植被茂密山区,异常强降雨及农耕、建房、修路和矿山开采4种人类工程活动对地质灾害的关键诱发作用。对崩塌、滑坡、泥石流和不稳定斜坡4类典型地质灾害进行了亚类细分和发育特征分析,并总结指出了地质灾害区域宏观分布特征。筛选了9种关键的地质灾害影响和诱发因素,基于将集中调查区指示的地质灾害发育规律,外推应用于全区地质灾害评估的思路,利用信息量模型对太白县全区进行了地质灾害危险性定量评估,结果显示高危险区主要集中分布在县域北部人口聚居的盆地区,以及南部河流与公路沿线地段。定量检验显示,危险性评估结果与地质灾害的实际分布十分吻合,表明基于信息量模型的地质灾害危险性评估方法能够很好地适用于秦岭腹地山区。


      Abstract: Taking Taibai County in Shaanxi Province as an example, this paper has analyzed geological environment conditions of landslides in central Qinling Mountains. It is emphasized that in the mountainous area under thick vegetation, unusual torrential rain and 4 kinds of human engineering activities composed of farming, house building, road construction and mining engineering play crucial roles in triggering landslides. 4 typical landslide types, i.e., collapse, landslide, debris flow and unstable slope, are distinguished and analyzed, and regional macroscopic distribution of landslide is summarized. 9 major factors influencing and triggering landslide are extracted. Quantified landslide hazard assessment based on information content model within Taibai County was carried out based on the thought of applying landslide developing pattern of the detailed investigated area to whole regional assessment. The result shows that the high hazard zones mainly lie in the residential area of northern basin and local areas along southern river and road in the county. The quantitative verification result shows that this hazard distribution feature is consistent with the real distribution of landslides. It is indicated that the landslide hazard assessment method with information content model is well applicable to central Qinling mountainous area.


