
    The relationships of main benefit bodies in national exploration and development planning

    • 摘要: 找矿突破战略行动是缓解中国资源瓶颈的重要战略举措,找矿新机制的核心是建立合理的利益分配机制,处理好多元利益主体的关系。运用企业利益相关者理论,分析找矿突破战略行动中的利益主体及相互关系,着重剖析了找矿行动的利益主体关系的矛盾现象和原因。借鉴实际案例,提出建立合理的利益分配机制、明确找矿主体、加强对省级地勘基金管理、建设和谐矿山等建议。


      Abstract: The national exploration and development planning aims to relieve China's resource bottleneck. The core of new mechanisms is to build up rational benefit assignation mechanism and to handle the relationships of a lot of main benefit bodies. On the basis of the theory of enterprise benefit relevance, this paper not only analyzes the main benefit bodies and the interrelation in the national exploration and development planning but also puts forward some suggestions exemplified by actual cases.


