
    Measures of risk mitigation for landslides induced by irrigation

    • 摘要: 长期灌溉引起地下水位上升诱发滑坡发生是灌溉诱发型滑坡的基本特征,有效控制地下水位是灌溉诱发型滑坡风险管理的根本措施。通过灌溉量控制、竖向混合孔疏排水、水平疏排水3种排水措施,可以实现灌溉诱发型滑坡的风险控制。采用数值模拟的手段,计算了不同灌溉量下地下水动力场及其对应的台塬斜坡稳定性,模拟了不同布井方式下的竖向混合井疏排地下水的效果,结果表明,灌溉量控制在350×104m3/a以下可实现滑坡风险控制,竖向混合排水井间距为40m时可提高单体斜坡的稳定性。统筹考虑各种因素,提出了以控制灌溉量为主,辅以竖向混合孔排水和水平排水的黑方台灌区滑坡的风险控制措施。


      Abstract: Groundwater rise due to perennial irrigation contributes to the occurrence of landslides, and this is the basic feature of landslides induced by irrigation. The employment of groundwater level control is a fundamental measure for landslide risk mitigation. Drainage measures comprising irrigation volume control, vertical drainage by multi-aquifer wells and horizontal drainage were presented. Changes of groundwater flow field under different irrigation volumes and the corresponding slope stability were simulated, and drainage effects with different arrangements of multi-aquifer wells were also calculated. According to the results obtained, a reasonable irrigation volume of 350×104m3/a is defined to achieve risk mitigation, and an interval of 40m between wells is determined as a reasonable distance to increase the slope stability. Considering various factors, the authors proposed a comprehensive risk mitigation method, which takes irrigation volume control as the main means and vertical and horizontal drainage measures as auxiliary methods.


