
    A review of geological characteristics of shale gas accumulation information from AAPG annual convention, 2011

    • 摘要: 以2011年美国AAPG年会论文摘要和大会专题发言材料为主要依据,结合近年来对北美地区页岩气野外地质考察的成果,对页岩气藏的地质学特征作了一个基本介绍。重点介绍北美地区页岩气藏的分布和开发现状,页岩气藏的地层沉积相和层序地层特征,储集岩特征和岩石学、成岩作用特征4个方面的内容,并结合中国页岩气藏研究的现状,对中国页岩气资源潜力进行了概述性分析。


      Abstract: Based on the abstracts and presentation materials of AAPG annual convention(2011), along with the field trip of shale gas accumulations in North America, this paper has described the geological characteristics of shale gas accumulations in North America. Four aspects of current researches in North America are emphatically discussed: ① the distribution of the shale gas accumulations in North America and the exploration status; ② characteristics of sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphy; ③ reservoir features; ④ lithologic and diagenetic features. According to current research status in China, this paper also gives a brief analysis of the shale gas resource potential in China.


