
    Geoindicator system of desertification

    • 摘要: 沙漠化是人类面临的最严重的生态环境问题之一,直接影响着人类的生存环境和社会稳定。以过去对沙漠化环境地质调查评价和研究为工作基础,重点对存在沙漠化环境地质问题的生态环境脆弱区进行实地调研,建立沙漠化地质指标体系,确定调查指标和监测指标,为科学评价地质环境变化和完善地质环境监测预警体系提供技术支撑。


      Abstract: Desertification, as one of the most serious environment problems in the world, is threatening the quality of human habitat and the stability of society. In this study, based on investigation and assessment of the environmental geological aspects of desertification, especially on the investigation of environmentally vulnerable areas affected by desertification, the authors built up a geo-environmental indicator system for desertification assessment, and determined a group of factors for investigation and monitoring. The results have brought technological support to the scientific assessment of geo-environment change and the improvement of the geo-environment monitoring and early warning system.


