
    Huaxiaosaurus aigahtens

    • 摘要: 巨大华夏龙(Huaxiaosaurus aigahtens Zhao, gen. & sp., nov.)是一种性情温和的素食性恐龙,产于山东诸城,生活在距今100Ma前的中生代晚期。巨大华夏龙是从许多同种个体中选择后组装成的一具骨架,其体高11.3m,体长18.7m,是目前世界上最高大的鸟脚类个体。巨大华夏龙前肢短,后肢粗长,是继巨型山东龙和巨大诸城龙之后又一新的发现。


      Abstract: Huaxiaosaurus aigahtens Zhao, gen. & sp. nov. was a mild herbivorous dinosaur that lived in Zhucheng of Shandong Province in Late Mesozoic 100 Ma ago. The specimen of Huaxiaosaurus aigahtens 11.3m in height and 18.7m in length is a skeleton assembled by many parts collected from several individuals of the same species. It was the tallest individual among the ornithopods. It had short forelimbs and tough hind legs, and it is another new finding after the discovery of the giant Shandongosaurus and Zhuchengosaurus.


