
    Unique morphology of Zimbabwe diamond and its “fingerprint” characteristic significance

    • 摘要: 津巴布韦马朗金刚石矿床为近年来发现的特大型高品位金刚石砂矿。对津巴布韦马朗金刚石产区的金刚石样品进行了矿物学和宝石学研究。结果显示,津巴布韦金刚石的晶体形态、表面微细特征等与世界上主要产地的金刚石有较大差异。其中最新发现的“十字架”形熔蚀图像和红色斑点是该产地金刚石的典型特征。“十字架”是由大量大小不等的正方形熔蚀坑沿晶体100重叠排列而成的,红色斑点为铁质氧化物沿熔蚀坑棱线生长而成的。研究结果表明,津巴布韦马朗金刚石的形态特征具有产地“指纹特征”的意义,对中国地勘单位赴境外进行金刚石找矿具有借鉴意义。


      Abstract: In recently years, the discovery of a superlarge diamond secondary deposit from the Marange diamond orefield in Zimbabwe has aroused international cooperation between China and Zimbabwe activities in such aspects as geological exploration, mining, and diamond cutting. Therefore, a systematic mineralogical investigation of the diamonds from Zimbabwe was performed to find their characteristic features. It is found that the crystals display characteristic morphology and surface microstructures. The "cross" dissolution pattern consists of a large number of tiny square-shaped etch pits distributed in 100 direction on 100 faces. The red spots on the surface are caused by selective growth of iron oxide minerals along the edges and at the corners of the etch figures. The results could have reference value for studying the geochemical environment of the ore deposit.


