SRHIMP zircon U-Pb dating of metamorphic tuff from the Precambrian Cangxi Complex-Group in northeastern Hunan
摘要: 在湘东北地区浏阳市文家市仓溪岩群底部枫梓冲岩组(长英质二云母片岩)变凝灰岩中发现近百粒锆石,锆石虽然形态不相同,但CL图像显示出典型的岩浆生长振荡环带和韵律结构。该类锆石的U、Th含量较高,Th/U值变化范围为0.32~0.87,均属于岩浆结晶的产物。获得的SHRIMP锆石 U-Pb年龄为855Ma±5Ma,该年龄改变了仓溪岩群枫梓冲岩组的时代,对重新厘定江南造山带的构造格局有着重要意义。Abstract: This paper reports a SHRIMP U-Pb age (855 Ma ± 5 Ma) of metamorphic tuff from the Fengzichong Complex-Formation. Although zircons have different forms, their CL images show typical magmatic oscillatory zoning. The zircons have relatively high content of U and Th, with Th/U ratios vary in the range of 0.32~0.87. Therefore, they are of magmatic origin. The new data change the traditional stratigraphic correlation of the Cangxi Complex-Group in northeastern Hunan. Therefore, the SHRIMP U-Pb dating of the metamorphic tuff from the Fengzichong Complex-Formation at the bottom of the Cangxi Complex-Group is of great significance in understanding of the tectonic framework of the “Jiangnan Orogenic Belt” in Hunan.