
    Fundamental significance of gas shale theoretical research

    • 摘要: 页岩气作为油气勘探的一个新领域,越来越受到世界各国的重视。页岩气的勘探开发对于提高中国天然气产量具有重要意义,但页岩气的研究意义又不仅限于能源领域。系统的分析与研究表明,页岩气研究在能源、地质、环境等方面均具有重要意义。页岩气研究是一个涉及多学科、跨领域的系统工程,应采取系统论的观点对页岩气和其它沉积矿产、低温层控矿产等共伴生矿产进行系统研究,结合地质工程、环境保护等展开全面的基础性分析。


      Abstract: Gas shale, as a new filed of oil and gas exploration, has been attracting worldwide attention and plays an important role in enhancing the amount of the natural gas production of China. According to the result of systematic analysis and research, the research of gas shale not only possesses significance in the field of energy, but also is fundamental to such aspects as energy, geology, and environment. Since research on gas shale is a multidisciplinary and interfiled engineering, systematic method combined with geology engineering and environmental protection including systematic research on sedimentary mineral deposits and low temperature controlling mineral deposits should be adopted.


