
    Geological framework of Cuoqin-Dongcuo gravity-magnetism profile in Cuoqin basin, western Tibet, China.

    • 摘要: 为研究西藏措勤—洞错地区的地质结构,对2006年采集的1∶50000重、磁剖面资料进行了分析、处理、曲线拟合计算与解释。结果表明,南端冈底斯基底走滑断隆带古生界褶皱基底很浅,缺失中生界;中部措勤盆地则埋深较大,最深可达9km,并表现为北深南浅的格局,主要充填了巨厚的中生界;北部班公湖-怒江缝合带的基底深度小于3km;剖面上羌塘地体的基底深度约3.5km。剖面中部措勤盆地北部坳陷与班公湖-怒江缝合带结晶基底磁性弱,北部和南部结晶基底磁性强。推断了12条断裂,其中F7断裂为措勤盆地北界,F1断裂为盆地南界。推断了6个花岗岩类岩体、2个蛇绿岩体及一套规模较大的火山岩,并描述了其地下赋存的特征。


      Abstract: To investigate the geological framework in Cuoqin-Dongcuo, Tibet, we analyze, process, curve-fit and interpret the gravity-magnetism profile data collected in 2006 at 1∶50000 scale. The results show that the basement of Gangdise foundation strike-slip upwarping zone at the south of the profile is less than 1km deep with Mesozoic lost; the basement of Cuoqin basin at the middle is quite deep, deep at north and shallow at south, of which the deepest area can be up to 9km,and the basin is mainly filled with thick Mesozoic; at the north, the basement of Bangong Lake-Nujiang River suture is less deeper than 3km and that of Qiangtang terrain is about 3.5km deep. Cuoqin basin and Bangong Lake-Nujiang River suture at the middle have weak magnetic basement, while that at the northern and southern part is pretty strong.12 faults are deduced, among which,F7 is northern boundary of the basin and the southern boundary is fault F1. 6 granide bodies,2 ophiolite bodies and a volcanic layer are identified and their underground feature are represented.


