
    The Nanhuaan section at Lijiapo Village, Congjiang County, Guizhou Province in Hunan-Guizhou-Guangxi adjacent region, China—a good section with sedimentary record in Nanhuaan Large Glaciation age.

    • 摘要: 从江县黎家坡南华系剖面位于黔桂交界处,交通尚便,是一条地层发育良好、厚度巨大、沉积连续、层序完整、顶底界线清楚的剖面。内部岩石地层单位由下至上依次为:长安组、富禄组和黎家坡组,其划分标志清楚,易于识别和掌握,并可进行区域对比。在剖面上,南华系与下伏青白口系下江群隆里组和上覆震旦系陡山沱组均为整合接触。该剖面较完整而连续地记录了该区南华大冰期(包括长安冰期、富禄间冰期和南沱冰期)的沉积演化史,是研究雪球事件的良好场所之一。


      Abstract: The Nanhuaan section with successive good sedimentary record is situated in Lijiapo, Congjiang County, Guizhou Province. The section is characterized by well-devoloped stratigraphy, continuous deposition, maximum thickness, obvious stratigraphic criteria, clear boundary of top and base. Its internal rock units are respectively Chang'an Formation, Fulu Formation and Lijiapo Formation from bottom to top. The division boundary between them is clear, and can be identified and correlated easily in region. The Nanhua System is conformity with the Longli Formation of Xiajiang Group, Qingbaikouan (underlying) and Doushantuo Formation, Sinian (overlying) in the section. This section is a perfect location for studying "snowball event", and it has recorded perfectly sedimentary evolution in Nanhuaan Large Glaciation age (includes Chang'an glaciation, Fulu-Datangpo interglacion and Nantuo glaciation).


