
    he Paleozoic carbonate rocks depression of Coqên basin: Evidence from geophysics on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China.

    • 摘要: 简要介绍了措勤盆地的重力、磁力和大地电磁异常特征,针对措勤县北巨厚的大地电磁高阻异常,结合地质、重磁异常和岩石物性进行了综合研究与解释,多方法相互佐证与约束,认为地处裂陷或地堑带的高阻异常是古生代海相碳酸盐岩沉积地层的反映。巨厚古生代沉积地层的存在,表明措勤盆地具有较好的寻找古生界油气藏的前景。


      Abstract: In this paper, the features of gravity, magnetic and magnetotelluric anomaly in the Coqên basin are described. Based on the geophysical measurements results, geology and petrophysical characteristics in the Coqên basin, the high resistivity zone in the northern Coqên County that locates the zone of rift or graben has been studied synthetically, and it is interpreted as the cause of the paleozoic marine carbonate rocks. The Coqên basin received very thick deposits during Paleozoic, which indicates that there is potential area for Paleozoic oil-gas prospect.


