
    Origin of the salt dust storm, Beijing, China.

    • 摘要: 北京的“沙尘暴”在地质学研究分类中应属于尘暴,且属含大量盐碱物质(水溶盐物质)的盐碱尘暴。盐碱尘暴对人体健康和经济发展造成严重威胁,已引起普遍关注。通过调查北京尘暴源区蒙古国东南部和中国内蒙古中部、河北省西部地区表土和部分降尘的理化特性,为探讨北京盐碱尘暴粉尘物质的来源提供新的证据。对尘源区农耕地、沙化土地、退化草地、撂荒地、沙漠、沙地等不同代表性区域的表土进行较系统的采样,收集北京和部分尘源区附近城镇的大气降尘,分析其水溶盐和水溶性元素或离子的含量、酸碱度、粒度、比重、起尘风速。结果表明,干盐湖盆区以高百分含量的细微粉尘物质(<200目)、水溶盐含量和部分水溶性元素或离子(如Na、Cl-)为主要特征,其较高的pH值、极小的粒径、很大的比表面积、偏小的比重、偏低的起尘风速等,与北京及尘源区附近城镇大气降尘的特性相对应,明显不同于沙漠、沙地、沙堆和农耕地、撂荒地、退化草地等,因此推测干盐湖盆区是现阶段北京盐碱尘暴最主要、最关键的源区之一。而水溶盐含量、粒度大小、酸碱度、比重、起尘风速等,是判断北京盐碱尘暴粉尘物质来源的关键性指标。


      Abstract: "Sandstorm" in Beijing should be classified geologically as "dust-storm", more accurately as "salt dust", containing quantities of saline (water-soluble salt materials). It has aroused widespread concern due to its posing a serious threat on human health and economic development. This study aims to provide new evidence for Beijing "salt dust storm" origin by investigating the source region including the south-eastern Mongolia, central Inner Mongolia, and western Hebei Province for physical and chemical properties of topsoil and some dust. Systematic topsoil was sampled in different sources of land sand, landform types, including agricultural land, sandy land, degraded grasslands, abandoned land (named after "farmland etc." in the following) and the desert Meanwhile dustfall was also collected from Beijing and some areas of sand source. The samples were analyzed for water-soluble salts and cation-anion concentration, pH, artificial and laser particle size, the proportion, and wind speed generating dust. The results show that the dried salty lake is featured by its high percentage of the <200 dust materials, water-soluble substances and some cation-anion ions such as Na+, Cl-. Its high pH, very tiny particle size, large specific surface area, low proportion and low wind speed generating dust, are well correlated with dustfall features of Beijing and of cities and towns near dust origin, while these features are different from those of the desert, sand, beach, agricultural land, abandoned land, degraded grass, etc.. This implies that dry salt lake basin area could be one of the most important and key sources of Beijing "salt dust storm". The soluble salt content, particle size, pH, proportion and wind speed generating dust could be considered as key indicators to determine the source of Beijing "salt dust storm".


