
    Case histories of hydrocarbon survey success in China

    • 摘要: 中国油气化探经历了50余年的坎坷历程,总结成功案例可以重新认识该技术在油气勘探中的作用和地位。选择的案例仅是公开发表的12例,还有大量未发表的成功案例。区域油气化探可以起到快速缩小靶区的战略作用,局部油气化探在评价构造圈闭和隐蔽圈闭方面有其独到之处。油气化探与地震技术结合将会大大提高油气预测的成功率。


      Abstract: Surface geochemical exploration have been adopted for oil and gas in China for more than 50 years with a rough and bumpy road. By reviewing successful cases we can realize again its great significance and important roles in terms of oil and gas prospecting. This article presents 12 cases which have been published in books and magazines, while there are a lot of successful cases unpublished. Regional geochemical prospecting method has a strategic function of reducing the target size. Local surface geochemical techniques have its special function in evaluating structural and hidden petroleum bearings. This would be a great enhance for oil and gas prospecting by integrating surface geochemical and seismic techniques.


