By comprehensive analysis on the typical cases of deep ore exploration and current level and trends of the exploration geology, it is demonstrated that the geological theories, exploration technologies and investment decision are not only important but also challenge to the deep ore exploration, because of the specific features of the deep ore exploration. The major difficulties challenging the deep ore exploration include that, ①the current metallogenic theories are not compellent in predictive capability; ②the geotectonic theories are not capable to deduce the exact architecture and evolution processes of the deep structure; ③the traditional linear intellection is not suitable for researching the nonlinear complex geosystems; ④ multi-choosing solution of the remote detecting information are not exact enough reflecting the reality of the deep structures and deep ore-related factors; ⑤drilling is so far the critical cost factor that is vital for deep ore exploration projects; and ⑥it is not easy for making correct investment decision to avoiding failure. To deal with these difficulties, the practicable strategies are suggested, ①to promote predictive capability of the metallogenic theories; ②to develop the information exploring technologies as well as innovate information application methods; ③to ensure the most efficient application of every deep drill hole; ④to construct scientific mechanism of making investment decision based on long term plan; and ⑤to really attach importance to the role of the intellectual people.