
    Suggestions on strengthening geological intelligence research work

    • 摘要: 科技情报工作是指在广泛搜集各种情报来源的基础上,运用类比、分析、综合、判断、逻辑推理等方法,鉴别各种情报信息,洞察当前科学技术的变化和发展,研究这些变化与发展的条件、特点和意义,分析这些发展的内在规律并预测其未来发展的趋势,判断其目前所达到的水平和未来可能达到的水平。加强地质科技情报工作是当代地质工作发展的客观需要。当前,中国的地质情报工作必须坚持3个服务方向,即为领导决策服务、为科技进步服务和为生产一线服务。建议中国地质调查局组建地质情报研究中心,选择重点领域开展情报研究,力争建立地质情报研究工作的新模式。


      Abstract: Scientific technological intelligence research refers to that on the basis of extensive collection of information from various sources and by means of comparison, analysis, synthesis, judgment and logical deducting etc., all kinds of information are then investigated; change and developing trend of state-of-art science and technology are probed into; conditions, characteristics and significance of those changes and progresses are deeply studied; inherent rules are analyzed; future developing trend is predicted; present and future level of such researches are estimated as well. Currently there is an objective demand of strengthening scientific and technological intelligence work. Three service objectives must be stick to, namely for decision-making, for scientific and technologic advances and for frontier production. In this paper, the author suggests the establishment of geological intelligence research centre within China Geological Survey and certain key fields should be put at the priority place aiming at to set up a new mechanism of geological intelligence research.


