
    Evolution of global mining policy and legislation

    • 摘要: 从历史和全球的视角,以矿产资源所有权、矿业活动经营主体、政府在矿业中的作用为重点,追索矿业政策及立法的历史沿革。全球矿业政策与立法经历了第二次世界大战前矿业政策与立法萌芽期,第二次世界大战后到20世纪70年代的国有化期,20世纪80—90年代的自由开放期,21世纪理性发展期等几个阶段。


      Abstract: From the historical and global perspective, in this paper, mineral resources ownership, main operating body of mining activity and the role of government in mining industry are analyzed as to track down evolution of mining policy and legislation. Global mining policy-making and legislation has experienced several developing stages: post-world war II germination stage, post-world war II nationalization stage during 1970′s, opening and free stage during 1980’s and 1990′s and rationalized developing stage in 21 century.


