
    Strategic visions for comprehensive survey and assessment of territorial resources

    • 摘要: 分析了加强国土资源综合调查评价的目的和意义,探讨了中国国土资源调查评价中存在的突出问题。在对国际经验和国内探索实践进行对比分析的基础上,提出了加强中国国土资源综合调查评价的战略构想,即先易后难,循序推进;综合权衡,选准切入口。


      Abstract: This paper analyzes the significances of enhancing the comprehensive survey and assessment of resources, and discusses the outstanding problems in the survey and assessment process, then summarizes the international experience and domestic exploration and practice, based on which propose the strategic viens on the comprehensive survey and assessments.


