
    Characteristics and current utilization status of ultra-low-grade magnetite resource, and suggestion on its exploration and development.

    • 摘要: 近年来铁矿石价格的一涨再涨对中国的铁矿资源产生了重大影响:一方面,矿山的开采品位降低,一些原来不具经济意义的已查明的铁矿资源变得可以开采利用;另一方面,一些过去不认为是铁矿的含磁铁矿岩石成了可以开发利用的超贫磁铁矿资源。在调查研究的基础上,以河北和辽宁的超贫磁铁矿资源为例,对其类型、特征及开发利用现状进行了总结,并提出了勘查开发建议。


      Abstract: For the recent years, the ever-increasing iron ore price has caused huge impact on the Chinese iron ore mining industry: On the first hand, economic minable grade of the iron mine has been forced to decrease, some of the resources that used to be not economic turned to be profitable now; On the second hand, some magnetite-bearing rocks which was normally not considered as iron ore become minable ultra-low grade magnetite iron ore resource. According to study and research conducted, taken Heibei Province and Liaoning Province as example, this paper has summarized types, characteristics and utilization status of the ultra-low grade magnetite resource, and thus, has given out some suggestions for its exploration and exploitation.


