
    Discovery of dinosaur footprints from the Lower Jurassic Lufeng Formation of Yunnan Province, China and new observations on Changpeipus

    • 摘要: 记述了云南省禄丰县腰站乡下侏罗统禄丰组2个恐龙足迹,命名了棋盘张北足迹(Changpeipus pareschequier ichnosp. nov.)一新种。这是在禄丰组中首次发现恐龙足迹化石,重新观察并修订了张北足迹一属的属征。滦平张北足迹(Changpeipus luanpingeris)应为石炭张北足迹(Changpeipus carbonicus)的亚成年个体,为同物异名。此前被认为是石炭张北足迹(Changpeipus carbonicus)前足迹的IVPP V2472 2a,应为其未成年体的后足迹。张北足迹与卡岩塔足迹(Kayentapus)类似。综合种种特征,棋盘张北足迹(新种)的造迹恐龙很可能为禄丰组的腔骨龙类(Coelophysoidea)


      Abstract: Herein described are two footprints that belong to the new ichnospecies Changpeipus pareschequier ichnosp. nov. from the Lower Jurassic Lufeng Formation near Yaozhan Village, Lufeng County, Yunnan Province, China. This is the first discovery of dinosaur footprints in the Lufeng Formation. The ichnogenus Changpeipus is revised after the re-study of its type specimens. Specimen IVPP V2472 2a, a supposed manus print that is part of the ichnogenoholotype of Changpeipus carbonicus, is re-studied herein and assessed as a pes print of a juvenile individual of the Changpeipus carbonicus track maker. Changpeipus luanpingeris is a junior synonym of Changpeipus carbonicus. Changpeipus pareschequier ichnosp. nov. resembles the ichnotaxon Kayentapus. Based on its characteristics, the footprints are presumably made by a member of the Coelophysoidea from the Lufeng Formation.


