DEM research on the local relief in the Guide area, China
摘要: 基于贵德地区1:5万地形图等高线数据内插生成的DEM数据,在ArcMap软件空间分析支持及Spss软件拟合曲线统计下,得到该地区地形起伏度提取的最佳窗口为400m×400m;基于400×400m2的分析窗口,提取贵德地区的地形起伏度,完成地形起伏度的专题图,统计分析高程与起伏度之间的相互关系,其结果与实际情况基本吻合。Abstract: Based on contour interpolation of DEM by way of 1:50000 scale relief maps in the Guide area, China, optimum size of analysis windows of local relief, which is 400×400m2, is defined by space analysis using ARCMAP software and curve estimation using SPSS software. Local relief of the Guide area has been extracted and mapped using this size of analysis windows, and relationship between elevation and local relief was analyzed, which accorded with the facts.