
    Mapping of organochlorine pesticides and risk assessments in Beijing City, China

    • 摘要: 采用1个样/km2的密度、1个分析组合样/16km2的方法,对北京市784km2范围内的土壤、大气干湿沉降物、大气颗粒物中HCH、DDT的含量和空间分布特征进行有机氯农药填图。查明2000年北京市地表土壤HCH和DDT的平均含量分别为8.80±11.83ng/g、108.99±301.90ng/g。2006年大气干湿沉降物中HCH和DDT的平均含量分别为10.09±9.60ng/g、12.99±13.51ng/g,HCH和DDT的年沉降通量分别为996.57±939.96g/a·km2、1291.53±1342.28g/a·km2。2006年大气颗粒物PM10和PM2.5中的HCH含量分别为0.294±0.205ng/m3和0.217±0.137ng/m3,DDT的平均含量分别为1.037±1.301ng/m3和0.522±0.773ng/m3,显著高于2002—2003年度大气颗粒物中HCH(PM10:0.01786ng/m3,PM2.5:0.01731ng/m3)和DDT(PM10:0.01672ng/m3,PM2.5:0.02353ng/m3)的含量,表明北京市或周边地区仍在使用含HCH和DDT化学成分的农药。以2000年北京地表土壤和2006年大气干湿沉降物中HCH和DDT的含量为基础,对2020年土壤中HCH和DDT的时空演变的预测显示,即使干湿沉降物中HCH和DDT的沉降通量每年以5%的速率递减,到2020年土壤中HCH和DDT的环境质量仍不能显著改善,而控制和削减北京及周边地区含HCH和DDT成分农药的使用将是改善北京地表土壤环境质量的关键措施。


      Abstract: An extension steremapping of organochlorine pesticide (OCP) of soil, dry and wet deposition, airborne particles(PM10 and PM2.5) covered 784km2 with a density of 1 sample/km2 within Beijing city was carried out. 784 soil samples( 49 composed soil samples), 19 samples of dry and wet deposition, and 20 samples of airborne particles (PM10 and PM2.5) were sampled.Results indicate that the average content of HCH and DDT in soil is 8.80±11.83ng/g, 108.99±301.90ng/g in 2000, respectively, 10.09±9.60ng/g of HCH, 12.99±13.51ng/g of DDT in dry and wet precipitation in 2005. The amount of flux of HCH and DDT in dry and wet precipitation in 2005 were measured and the mean levels are 996.57±939.96g/a·km2, 1291.53±1342.28g/a·km2, respectively. Consequently, average HCH and DDT concentrations in airborne particles have been obviously increased from 0.01786ng/g, 0.01672ng/g in 2002 to 0.294±0.205ng/m3, 1.037±1.301ng/m3 in PM10, 0.01731ng/m3, 0.02353ng/m3 in 2002 to 0.217±0.137ng/m3 , 0.522±0.773ng/m3 in PM2.5 in 2005, respectively. It suggests that there are still using pesticides containing chemical composition of HCH and DDT in Beijing and its surrounding area, although the organochlorine pesticide were strictly banned in 1983.A prediction on HCH and DDT contents in soil in Beijing in 2020 were taken out, and a scenario of soil environmental quality of HCH and DDT with less improvement in Beijing in 2020 was predicted, compared with in 2000. A effective method for improved soil environmental quality of HCH and DDT is controlling and reducing to the usage quantities of pesticides containing chemical composition of HCH and DDT in Beijing and its surrounding area.


