
    New advances in the study of the Early Cambrian Guanshan fauna in the Kunming area, Yunnan,China

    • 摘要: 总结了昆明地区关山动物群自1999年命名以来开展的研究工作和取得的新进展。简要叙述了关山动物群的研究概况、地层位置、生物群组合特征和关山动物群的研究意义。在关山动物群中首次发现了古虫动物门的Vetulicola ganggtoucunenisis Luo,Fu et Hu,吐卓虫Tuzoia sp.nov.,古蠕虫Palaeoscolex sp.nov.,腕足类Heliomedusa sp.nov.及三叶形虫、海绵动物新属种。指出关山动物群是一个由多门类软躯体后生动物化石组成的伯吉斯页岩型的动物群,时代介于澄江动物群与凯里动物群(或伯吉斯页岩动物群)之间,起到了承前启后的作用,在寒武纪生命大爆发和寒武纪早期生物演化的研究中有重要意义。


      Abstract: This paper summarizes the recent advances in the study of the Early Cambrian Guanshan fauna in the Kunming area. It briefly describes the research history, stradgraphic horizon, assemblage features of the Guanshan fauna and its research significance. The authors for the first time found the Vetulicoliid Vetulicola gwrtgtoucurtermis Luo, Fu et Hu, Tuzoia sp. nov., PoIaeoscolex sp. nov. and the brachiopod Heliomedusa sp. nov., as weU as some new taxa of trilobitomorphs and sponges. The Guanshan fauna is a Burgess shale-type fauna composed of diverse groups of soft-body metazoans and its age is placed between those of the Chengjiang fauna Kaili fauna. This fauna plays a role of linking the previous fauna with the succeeding fauna and has great significance in the study of the explosion of the Cambrian lives and Early Cambrian biotic evolution.


