
    Geochemical characteristics of cadmium in soils and stream sediments in the Three Gorges reservoir area,China

    • 摘要: 对长江三峡库区段不同介质中Cd的分布特征和长江水系沉积物在垂向、横向剖面上的元素分布特征的研究发现,残坡积型土壤与长江干流水系沉积物Cd含量差异较大,水系沉积物具明显的高Cd异常;各个沉积时期的水系沉积物中均存在Cd异常,上游来源的Cd是引起三峡库区水系沉积物高Cd异常的主要因素;人类活动对土壤和水系沉积物中Cd的含量影响明显,在厂矿、码头、生活垃圾场等地区土壤中Cd的含量远高于一般地区土壤中Cd的含量,城市排污水系沉积物Cd的含量也高于长江干流水系沉积物Cd的含量。自然源是沿长江流域Cd异常普遍存在的根本原因,而人为源却有可能是高Cd异常主要沿长江干流及支流两岸大中城市分布的重要影响因素。


      Abstract: The cadmium distribution characteristics in different media in the Yangtze Gorges reservoir area and distribution characteristics of elements in sediments of the Yangtze River at the perpendicular and cross sections have been studied. The study shows that there is appreciable difference between the cadmium abundance in eluvial soils of the area and that of the Yangtze River sediments. The stream sediments have a notably higher Cd anomaly,and the Cd anomaly occurs in stream sediments of all the depositional stages. Cd from the upstream source is the main factor responsible for a higher anomaly in the stream sediments of the reservoir area. Human activities influence the cadmium content of the soils and stream deposits obviously. The Cd contents of soils in factories,docks and household refuse places are far higher than that in other places. The cadmium content in sediments formed by the urban sewage system is also higher than that in sediments of the main water system of the Yangtze River. Therefore,the natural source is the root cause for the prevalence of cadmium anomaly in the Yangtze River,while the anthropogenic source is likely to be responsible for high Cd anomalies in large and intermediate-sized cities along the Yangtze River.


