
    Upper Jurassic conchostracan fossils from central Yunnan and its stratigraphic significance

    • 摘要: 在回顾似东方叶肢介科(新科)Eosestlherlopseidae Niu(fam.nov.)内各属的特征、产出层位和分布的基础上,探讨了该科与真叶肢介科的亲缘关系,该科的起源,地层间的沉积间断和该科的迁移,以及Chuanjieestheria(gen.nov.),Eosestheriopsis,Yunnanograpta(gen.nov.)等属在滇中上侏罗统中的层位演化关系,首次提出麻地山组至安宁组和蛇店组至妥甸组的时代可能为晚侏罗世早期的意见.大体可与中国北方土城子组对比。Eosestheriopsis群和Pseudograpta群分别为中国南方特提斯区和北方太平洋区2个不同生物地理区的产物。这些成果对中国陆相侏罗纪地层划分与对比、生物地理区及其变迁、古构造研究等,都具有理论意义和实际价值。文中还描述了叶肢介的一些新属种。


      Abstract: The authors review the characters, horizons and distribution of various genera in the family Eosestheriopseidae Niu (fam. nov.) and then on that basis they discuss the relationships of this family with the family Eusesthriidae and the origin of the family, depositional break and migration of the family, as well as the evolution of the horizon of its genera such as Chuanjieestheria (gen. nov.), Eosestheriopsis and Yunnanograpta (gen. nov.) in the Upper Jurassic strata of central Yunnan. They first propose that the Shedian Formation/Madishan Formation and Tuodian Formation/Anning Formation might be early Late Jurassic in age, which may be correlated with the Tuchengzi Formation in northern China. The Eosestheriopsis and Pseudograpta faunas are the products of two different biogeographic realms: the Tethyan realm of southern China and the Boreal realm of northern China. These research results have theoretical and practical value for the stratigraphic division and correlation of the continental Jurassic of China and studies of biogeographic realms and their changes and paleotectonics. Some new genera and species of conchostracans.


