
    Oil and gas resources of Iraq and their influence on China''''s energy security strategy

    • 摘要: 伊拉克油气资源丰富,探明石油储量超过1125亿桶,天然气储量110万亿立方英尺。中国2001年石油进口量的55%来自中东,中东局势紧张,会直接影响中国石油的稳定供应。通过详细分析伊拉克石油资源状况,结合中国实际情况,探讨其对中国能源安全战略的影响,认为中国在摸清家底,加强国内油气地质勘查工作,包括全国油气资源战略选区工作,提高石油地质储量,增加国内生产能力的同时,应积极拓展中亚—俄罗斯、中东—北非和南美石油市场,实现原油进口地区的多元化,以降低对中东石油进口的依赖程度。


      Abstract: With abundant oil and gas resources,Iraq has more than112.5billion barrels of explored oil reserves and110trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves.It is a focal point for regional security issues.Over55percent of China's oil imports in2001came from the Middle East.The intense situation in the Middle East will directly affect the supply of oil and gas to China and also threaten China's energy security strategy.On the basis of an analysis of the production,exports,oil field distribution,cooperation,oil ex-port pipelines and refining in Iraq,combined with China's actual oil situation,this paper discusses its in-fluence on China's energy security strategy.The authors think that while ascertaining the true petroleum situation of our country,strengthening petroleum exploration work in China,including the strategic selec-tion of prospect areas of petroleum resources,increasing geological reserves of oil and raising oil production capability at home ,it is necessary to develop oil markets of Central Asia-Russia,Middle East-Africa and South America actively,import oil from multiple sources and reduce the degree of dependence of oil im-port from the Middle East.


