川滇黔桂76种元素地球化学图编制中分析方法与分析质量研究(二) 关于8个实验室对银元素分析的考核

    Analytic methods and quality in the compilation of 76element sgeochem ical atla s of Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou,and Guangxi Provinces of China(2):An appraisal of Ag data generated by eight labs

    • 摘要: 国内8个实验室对川滇黔桂相同的76个泛滥平原沉积物样品的76种元素进行了分析测试,目的在于探索更有效的分析质量的评价方案,以便为编制相应的地球化学图优选不同元素的最佳分析方法。利用参考值、样本的统计学参数、相似性、密度分布函数、地球化学场的空间结构和地球化学异常的重合性等对Ag元素的分析数据作了评价,不但要求分析数据在绝对值方面有一定的精度,还强调了化探数据的空间属性,要求分析数据的空间分布方面也尽量与理想的地球化学图之间具有一致性。


      Abstract: Seven-six floodplain sediment samples from Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou,and Guangxi were an-alyzed by eight labs to explore a more effective approach to the appraisal of analytical quality in order to select the best analytical methods for the compilation of geochemical atlas of 76elements in Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou,and Guangxi.An appraisal of analytic data of Ag was made by using reference values,statistical parameters,similarity coefficients,density distribution functions ,the space structure of the geo-chemical fields,and overlapping of geochemical anomalies.It is not only required that the absolute values of the analytic data should be precise to a certain degree,but the spatial attribute of the geochemical data is also emphasized.Furthermore,it is also required that the spatial distribution of the analytic data should agree as well as possible with the ideal geochemical maps.


