Establishment of the Upper Permian Mujiu Co Formation and rugose coral assemblage in the Xainza area, northern Tibet
摘要: 在申扎县城东南木纠错南东岸附近发现一套巨厚的以白云岩、白云质灰岩为主组成的岩系,厚达2348m。该岩系整合覆于下二叠统下拉组之上,并于其底部发现中国南方晚二叠世早期珊瑚动物群中的重要分子WaagenophyllumindicumcrassiseptatumWu和LiangshanophyllumstreptoseptatumWang两种,与其共生的还有Lobatophyllumzakan-genseWu和WaagenophyllummegacolumetumWu,它们共同组成一个晚二叠世早期特有的皱纹珊瑚动物组合,命名为Waagenophyllum-Liangshanophyllum-Lobatophyllum组合。将含有这一珊瑚化石组合的以白云岩、白云质灰岩为主的岩系另建立新组———木纠错组,该组在层位上相当于中国南方上二叠统的吴家坪组。Abstract: The authors found an up to2348m thick sequence consisting dominantly of dolomite and dolomitic limestone.This sequence lies conformably on the Lower Permian Xiala Formation and contains at its base important elements of the early Late Permian coral fauna of southern China,such as Waagenophyl-lum indicum crassiseptatum Wu and Liangshanophyllum streptoseptatum H.C.Wang,in addition to their associated elements Lobatophyllum zakangense S.Z.Wu and Waagenophyllum megacolumetum.All these ele-ments combine to form a rugose coral assemblage characteristic of the early Late Permian,named the Waagenophyllum-Liangshanophyllum-Lobatophyllum.The authors establish a new formation-Mujiu Co Formation-with the sequence dominantly of dolomite and dolomitic limestone containing this coral assem-blage.This formation is stratigraphically equivalent to the Upper Permian Wujiaping Formation in southern China.