

    • 摘要: 嘉荫地区晚白垩世地层,以嘉荫县境内的黑龙江畔出露最好,尤以县城(朝阳镇)沿江上、下20km左右被江水冲蚀露头连续。此区上白垩统依其沉积物特征,属还原弱氧化的动水条件下陆相湖盆及河流相沉积,由若干小的反旋迴沉积构成。岩石组合特征:颜色呈灰绿、灰、黄及白色为主,极少红色色调;岩石由长石石英砂岩、长石砂岩、长石质硬砂岩和砾岩组成,下部岩石成分较复杂,含较多的火山岩碎屑与砾石,同时含较多的黄铁


      Abstract: Late Cretaceous sediments in the Jiayin area of Heilongjiang province are developed better than their synchronous counterparts in China. Fossils of China’s first dinosaur skeleton were just excavated there. 4 localities of dino- saur fossils, totalling 14 horizons, have been found in the zone from Yuliangzi to Yong’antun in fiayin county along the Heilongjiang River since the First Regional Geological Survey Party of Heilongjiang Province began to carry out 1:200, 000-scale regional surveys in the area in 1977. Meanwhile, fossils of terrestrial animals such as fish, insects, Estheria, ostrocods and gastropods have also been newly discovered or dound, and anigosperm fossils that are rare in China are quite rich, intact and easy to trim. The strata are well exposed along the river and their sections are simple in structure and relatively con- tinuous. The strata were mistakenly assigned to the Tertiary for some time in the past and in the "Regional Stratigraphic Table of Heilongjiang Province" compiled in 1976. Through studies, the Jiayin Group was established for the Upper Cretaceous of the area. It may be divided into 4 formations; from base upwards they are the Yong’antun Formation (K2y), Taiping Forestry Centre Formation (K2t), Yuliangzi Formation (K2yl) and Furao Formation (K2f). This division has provided a sound basis for the establishment of the sequence of the Late Cretaceous strata in northeastern Heilongjiang province and de- termination of their ages and furnished new information for the study of evo- lustion of life and lithofacies-pateogeography and their correlation with the synchronous strata in neighbouring areas and countries.


