
    Geological genetic model of remote sensing image for regional geological tectonics

    • 摘要: 模型方法是一种科学研究方法。遥感图像是地壳表层的图像模型 ,是建立地质成因模型的理想原型。郯庐断裂带中段沭河断裂带与五莲—青岛构造带在山东东部斜接 ,二者在遥感图像上组成一个倒“入”字图形。“入”字图形的结构、笔画顺序和倒置形态 ,表征了两大构造带的时空特征 ,揭示了该区构造组成和演化规律 ,是这一地区区域地质构造遥感图像地质成因模型。


      Abstract: Modeling is one of scientific research methods. Remote sensing image is the image model of the crust surface, as well as an ideal prototype to establish a geological genetic model. As a middle section of Tanlu fracture zone,Shuhe fracture zone intersects Wulian Qingdao tectonic zone in eastern part of Shandong, which makes up of an image of a reverse “ 入type" . The structure of “入type”and its stroke order and reverse shape show a temporal and spatial feature of the two tectonic zones, as well as the formation and evolution of the tectonics in this district. Therefore, the image of the reverse “入type" becomes the geological genetic model of regional tectonic remote sensing image of this district.


