
    Discussion on connotation and survey strategy of the ground substrate

    • 摘要: 地表基质是近年来自然资源管理领域的新概念,当前关于地表基质概念的内涵、全国地表基质调查如何开展还存有一定争议。通过辨析概念原义认为,地表基质垂向下限应为潜水层底板,是地球关键带中地表以下物质和功能的载体。地表基质分类中的岩石、砾质、土质、泥质与地质学中的岩石、第四纪沉积物存在“同物异名”情况,2套分类系统具备相互转化的条件。地表基质调查应采用“综合研究为主、补充调查为辅”的总路线,可充分利用区域地质调查、水文地质调查、土地质量地球化学调查、土壤普查等调查的成果获取物质属性数据,需针对潜水层以上的数据空白区和未测数据项补充数据采集工作,关键要加强地表基质对自然资源的孕育、支撑等功能属性的研究工作。全国地表基质调查应按自然资源综合区划体系部署,建议按3个层次展开,一是优先围绕生态功能区,聚焦草地退化、森林衰减、水土流失等突出问题开展中比例尺(1:25万)调查,为发现问题、诊断问题和修复治理提供依据;二是稳步推进全国Ⅱ级综合自然区划单元代表性区域的中比例尺调查,支撑“以点带面”,编制所在Ⅱ级单元的小比例尺图件(1:50万—1:100万);三是适时启动编制区域性、全国性地表基质小比例尺图件(1:100万—1:250万),服务于不同级别国土空间规划。


      Abstract: The ground substrate is a new concept in the natural resource management area, and there are also controversies on that's connotation and how to plan the national survey.We defined it as the sub-ground material and function carrier of the Earth's Critical Zone, and believed it's lower boundary as the bottom of the phreatic layer.The rock, Quaternary sediments in geological fields and rock-, gravel-, soil-, mud-ground substrates can be composed by the same materials with different name.The investigated results of rock and Quaternary sediments can be transferred into different kinds of ground substrate.The ground substrate survey should be conducted on the basis of regional geological survey, hydrogeology survey, geochemical survey of land quality, soil general survey of soil to achieve the data of compositions, spatial distribution, physical and chemical characteristics of ground substrate.Moreover, the datas of ground substrate between the surveyed zone and the lower boundary of the phreatic layer, and some other unanalyzed data should be added.Furthermore, the research related to the function how the ground substrate affects the upper forest, grass and wetland needs to be strengthened.We supposed that the ground substrate survey should be deployed according to the comprehensive natural resource factors regionalization system in three steps.The first batch should focus on the areas with ecological problems such as grassland degradation, forest attenuation, soil erosion, to locate the problems and provide suggestions for ecological protection and restoration.The second batch should concentrate on key classic area of each Ⅱ grade regionalization area, conduct limited and necessary ground substrate of the scale of 1:250, 000 to map the Ⅱ grade area.The third batch should conduct compiling the national and regional map after the second batch, to provide some basic data and documents for territorial spatial planning.


