
    Major geological features of Yinshan mountains: from craton to composite orogenic regions

    • 摘要: 阴山山脉位于东亚大陆腹地,该区地壳以大面积出露前寒武纪早期的变质杂岩和晚古生代及中生代的岩浆岩,发育上盘向南和向北的多期逆掩推覆构造为主要地质特征。在早期的文献中,该山脉被作为中朝准地台(华北克拉通的同义词)的组成部分,意在其与典型的地台不同。在20世纪后期,该区中生代的岩浆活动和构造变形被归因于板内或陆内造山作用,晚古生代的岩浆活动被归因于与古亚洲洋演化有关的陆缘增生和陆间碰撞造山作用。但是几乎所有文献都认为该区是华北克拉通的组成部分。该区究竟是克拉通还是造山带,如果是造山带,是如何从克拉通转变为造山带的?这不仅是个区域地质构造问题,更重要的是,还与古老大陆地壳保存和再造这一大陆动力学问题密切相关,而且还涉及能否正确认识该区的资源潜力。本文基于已有的岩浆活动和构造变形资料,将该山脉自北向南划分为3个构造单元,北部单元为古华北克拉通北缘的早古生代陆缘增生造山带,中部单元为泥盆纪—三叠纪陆缘活化造山带,南部单元为侏罗纪—白垩纪陆内活化造山带。中部单元经过泥盆纪—三叠纪岩浆活动和二叠纪—三叠纪构造变形,由克拉通转变为造山带;南部单元在侏罗纪—白垩纪历经2个伸展-收缩构造变形旋回,由克拉通转变为造山带。据此得出,该山脉地壳主体从早白垩世晚期开始转变为由北亚造山区南部和东亚造山区西缘构成的复合造山区,不再具有克拉通的构造属性。同时,首次发表了北部单元构造变形和中部单元白云鄂博群构造变形的新资料,提出了现今阴山山脉地貌特征形成于新生代晚期,在早古生代晚期、古生代末期、侏罗纪晚期和早白垩世晚期该区发生了多次大规模地壳缩短,中部单元可以划分为4个亚带,白云鄂博群遭受了早期紧闭褶皱、中期左行走滑和晚期上盘向北逆冲3个阶段的构造变形;南部单元强烈逆掩推覆主要发生在早白垩世晚期等新认识。最后,对该区需要进一步研究的主要地质构造问题提出了初步认识。


      Abstract: The Yinshan mountains is located in the interior of the eastern Asian continent and is mainly characterized by the exposure of a large area of the Early Precambrian, including the Neo−Archean and Paleo−Proterozoic metamorphosed complexes and late Paleozoic and Triassic plutons, and by multi−age thrusting tectonics with south− and north−verging movement. In the early publications, the mountains was considered as part of so−called Sino−Korean paraplatform, which is considered as same−meaning term with North China craton, implying its difference from the typical platform on the Earth. Since 1990’s, Mesozoic magmatism and structural deformation has been related to within−plate or intracontinental orogeny, and late Paleozoic magmatic rocks to the Andes−type of orogeny in the southern continental margin of the Paleo−Asian ocean between the North China in the south and Siberian platform in the north. However, the mountains have been still considered as part of North China Craton almost in all of publications, implying no change of its tectonic affinity. Whether the mountain is part of the craton or not, how it was changed from the Craton into the orogenic belt if it is not, is not only a regional or local tectonic issue, but also ones relating closely to the evolution of the continental dynamics, and deals with the scientific access of resource potentials. In this paper, the mountains is divided into three tectonic units based on available data both of magmatic rocks and structural deformation. The north unit is part of the island–arc type of an accreted orogenic belt adjacent to the northern margin of the ancient North China craton during the Early Paleozoic, the central one is an activated orogenic belt on the basis of and by the activation of the northern marginal part of the Craton from the Devonian to Triassic, and the south is part of an intracontinental activated orogenic one in the interior of the Craton in the period from the Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. It is further clearly stated that the central unit was changed from the craton into the orogenic belt by Devonian to Triassic magmatism and Permian to Triassic structural deformation, and that the south by two extension−compression tectonic cycles taken place in the period of the Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous, respectively. Then it is obtained the following conclusion that the mountains has lost its tectonic affinity of the craton since the late of the early Cretaceous and changed into part of a composite orogenic region which is composed by the western margin of the East Asian orogenic region and the southern part of the North Asian orogenic one. In the same time, it is the first time to publish some new data on structural deformation from those three units and put forward to some new viewpoints on the mountains i.e. that the the present geomorphological features of the mountains occurs in the late of the Cenozoic, that the area underwent four periods of crustal shortening events in the end of the Early Paleozoic, the latest of the Paleozoic, the late of the Jurassic and the late of the Early Cretaceous, respectively, that the central unit may be sub−divided into four sub−belts, that the three stages of structural deformation of Bayan Obo group sedimentary sequences are distinguishied into tight folding in the early one, and then the right−side strike−slip in the second, and northward thrusting in the third, and that the the timing of the intensely north−verging thrusting of the south unit is determined as the late of the Early Cretaceous. Lastly, some suggestions on the tectonic issue which remain to be further studied and investigated in the mountains, are briefly stated.


