王荃. 2011: 华北克拉通与全球构造. 地质通报, 30(1): 1-18.
    引用本文: 王荃. 2011: 华北克拉通与全球构造. 地质通报, 30(1): 1-18.
    WANG Quan. 2011: North China Craton and global tectonics. Geological Bulletin of China, 30(1): 1-18.
    Citation: WANG Quan. 2011: North China Craton and global tectonics. Geological Bulletin of China, 30(1): 1-18.


    North China Craton and global tectonics

    • 摘要: 华北克拉通是中国境内独具特色的大地构造单元,它既不同于新建立的华泰克拉通,又明显有别于扬子地台和塔里木地台。为追溯其形成和演化历史,将全球视为一个整体,在世界范围内寻找与其有宗谱关系的地体。经过认真的对比和鉴别,发现西伯利亚地台、加拿大地盾与中国的华北地台具有特殊的渊源关系。三者合计由14个太古宙原生陆壳块体,于古元古代末(1.79~2.2Ga)通过造山运动碰撞聚合在一起,形成了笔者所称的古劳亚大陆。后者最重要的地质标志就是统一的中元古代盖层,此即中国的长城系、蓟县系,俄罗斯西伯利亚的里菲系和北美洲的层群A、层群B。早寒武世,西伯利亚地台脱离了古劳亚大陆。中寒武世之初即536Ma,古劳亚大陆与形成于1000~1300Ma的Rodinia发生构造拼接,缔造了具有全球规模但命运短暂的超级大陆——Pannotia。这次构造拼接的意义不可低估,在时间上它恰好与骨骼化后生动物的快速发展(“生物大爆炸”)相吻合。过去长时间人们无法理解的,为什么远隔重洋的北美洲-澳大利亚-中国,寒武系中—上统的沉积类型和生物群具有高度一致性的问题,也随之迎刃而解。寒武纪末期510Ma,Pannotia解体并一分为二,在古劳亚大陆与古冈瓦纳大陆之间的地域形成了南太平洋。直到奥陶纪晚期即440Ma前后,古劳亚大陆才分裂,形成了北太平洋,中国北方包括华北和华泰2个克拉通在内,与北美洲的劳伦古陆和内陆地台,才各奔西东。回溯华北地台的渊源,作为一个整体它曾与西伯利亚地台共存了1.3Ga,而与北美的加拿大地盾至少共同度过1.4Ga之久。


      Abstract: North China Craton, as a distinctive tectonic unit inside of the China, is different from the new established Huatai Craton, and not alike evidently to both the Yangtze and Tarim Platforms. In order to investigate its origin and evolutional history, we regard the all world as an entirety and search the similar terrains in wild scope. After through conscientious correlation and discrimination, it is confirmed that North China Craton is on intimate terms with Siberia Platform and Canada Shield. All the three Cratons were composed of 14 Archean original crust blocks which assembled in late Paleoproterozoic (1.79-2.2Ga) by collisions along orogenic belts at the same time. A unite continent occurred there from that is the author said Paleo-Laurasia Land. Most important geological character of the latter is the identical Mesoproterozoic covering strata which complsed of Changcheng and Jixian Systems in China, Riphean System of Siberia and the sequence A and B in Canada. The breakup of Siberia from Paleo-Laurasia Land was dated in the Early Cambrian. At the beginning of Meso-Cambrian(536Ma), Paleo-Laurasia joined up with Rodinia by a major shearing fault to create the Pannotia that is a widespread supercontinent with short life-span. At that times, the disappearance of Ediacarn fauna and Cambrian "explosion" of skeletalized metazoans also appear to have taken place within the framework of global tectonic event. A previously unexplained identity of North American and Australo-Sinian biofacies is represented by the trilobite fauna of Midde-Upper Cambrian. These problems are readily solved now. At the end of Cambrian(510Ma), Pannotia was disintegrated and divided into Paleo-Laurasia and Paleo-Gondwana. The South Pacific Ocean was opened at the same time. Until the late Ordovician (440Ma±), the North Pacific Ocean was created between both the North China and North American ancient continents by the disintegration of Paleo-Laurasia Land. Review the evolutional history of North China Craton, it coexists with Siberia Platform as a intirety lasted 1300Ma, but with the Canada Shield taken 1400Ma.


