杜轶伦. 2017: 丝绸之路经济带矿产开发利用状况及“走出去”相关对策建议. 地质通报, 36(1): 80-89.
    引用本文: 杜轶伦. 2017: 丝绸之路经济带矿产开发利用状况及“走出去”相关对策建议. 地质通报, 36(1): 80-89.
    DU Yilun. 2017: Present situation of mineral exploitation and utilization of the Silk Road Economic belt and related countermeasures and suggestions for going out policy. Geological Bulletin of China, 36(1): 80-89.
    Citation: DU Yilun. 2017: Present situation of mineral exploitation and utilization of the Silk Road Economic belt and related countermeasures and suggestions for going out policy. Geological Bulletin of China, 36(1): 80-89.


    Present situation of mineral exploitation and utilization of the Silk Road Economic belt and related countermeasures and suggestions for going out policy

    • 摘要: 近年来,国家对矿产资源的政策有很大转变。在能源结构上,正在减少使用煤炭等污染较大的能源矿产,居民供暖方面未来以天然气为主。同时限制一些高能耗高排放的金属制品。矿产生产方面,在中国,一些储量下降过快或产能过剩污染高的矿产,不再鼓励大量生产和对外出口,同时强调利用国外资源,满足国家需求。对矿产综合利用的重视也提高到了新的高度。丝绸之路经济带国家矿产资源丰富,希望通过吸引国外投资和先进技术,发展本国矿产经济,提高当地居民的生活水平。中国和中亚各国的需求对接,为中国政府、企业、地勘单位进入中亚进行矿产开发奠定了良好的基础。梳理了中国及中亚五国的矿产资源开发利用现状和相关政策,从外部环境、资源互补、环境保护、基础设施等方面分析了中国政府、企业、地勘单位在中亚进行矿产开发存在的机遇和挑战,并针对上述问题,提出了需求对接、资源整合、环境评估、基地建设等相关对策建议。


      Abstract: In recent years, China has changed remarkably in the policy of mineral resources. In the energy resource structure, the government reduces the use of polluting resources such as coal and regards the natural gas as the main source for residential heating in the future. At the same time, the government limits the production of some metal products with high energy consumption and high warm gas emission. In the aspect of mineral development, the government imposes restrictions on mass development and export of minerals that will cause fast reduction of reserves or lead to high pollution, and emphasizes the use of foreign resources to meet the needs of the country. Silk Road Economic Belt roughly includes China's northwest provinces and five Central Asian countries. These countries are rich in mineral resources and hope to attract foreign investment and advanced technology to develop their own mineral economy and improve the living standards of local residents. The demand of China and that of Central Asia seem to interact with each other, which can lay a good foundation for the government, enterprises and geological prospecting units to participate in the development of mineral resources in Central Asia. This paper reviews the current situation of mineral resources development and utilization in China and Central Asia's countries. Based on the external environment, resource complementarity, environmental protection, and infrastructure, this paper analyzes the opportunities and challenges of China's government, enterprises and geological prospecting units in the development of mineral resources in Central Asia. Aimed at solving the above problems, this paper puts forward the suggestions on the requirement docking, resource integration, environmental assessment, base construction and other related countermeasures.


