
    Characteristics of Neogene thermal reservoir in Weihe basin

    • 摘要: 渭河盆地具有丰富的地热资源,开发利用地热资源有助于调整能源结构、降低雾霾及改善环境。在对区域地质、地球物理、石油勘探、地热井钻井等资料收集及分析的基础上,采用镜下鉴定、储层物性等分析方法,对渭河盆地地热地质条件、热储层物性特征、热储层评价等开展了深入研究。研究结果表明:渭河盆地具有较好的深部构造热背景;新近系张家坡组和蓝田-灞河组、高陵群砂岩孔隙类型以原生粒间孔为主,高陵群砂岩孔隙不发育;渭河盆地新近系上新统张家坡组砂岩热储层孔隙度为3.35%~31.2%,平均值为13.3%;渗透率为0.47×10-3~235×10-3μm2,平均值为29.2×10-3μm2,储层类型属于Ⅳ类储集层;中新统蓝田-灞河组砂岩热储层孔隙度为5.2%~31.2%,平均值为17%;渗透率为0.05×10-3~5684×10-3μm2,平均值为326×10-3μm2,储层类型属于Ⅲ类储集层;中新统高陵群砂岩热储层孔隙度为2.5%~13.9%,平均值为5.8%;渗透率为0.01×10-3~11.04×10-3μm2,平均值为0.75×10-3μm2;储层类型属于Ⅵ类储集层。砂泥岩压实曲线显示张家坡组成岩强度弱,埋藏较浅—中等,岩石呈正常—弱压实,沉积物为弱固结—半固结,处于早成岩B期,地热井容易出砂。而蓝田-灞河组下段、高陵群的声波时差值大多偏离,随深度的增加声波时差值变化不明显,反映为中等压实-强压实特征,由于蓝田-灞河组和高陵群埋藏较深,沉积物为半固结—固结砂岩,蓝田-灞河组、高陵群主要处于晚成岩A期,地热井不易出砂。新近系热储层的研究表明,渭河盆地蓝田-灞河组埋藏较深,热储层物性好,是最有利的地热开发层段,加大渭河盆地地热开发利用对实现双碳目标具有重要意义。


      Abstract: Weihe basin is rich in geothermal resources.The development and utilization of geothermal resources is helpful to adjust energy structure, improve environmental protection and reduce haze pollution.Through regional geology, geophysics, petroleum exploration and geothermal well drilling, this paper makes an in-depth study on geothermal geological conditions, physical properties and reservoir evaluation in Weihe basin.The results show that the Moho surface and Curie uplift in Weihe basin have thin lithosphere and good deep thermal background; The pore types of the newly recent Zhangjiapo Formation and the Lantian-Bahe Formation were dominated by primary intergranular pores, and the pores of the Gaoling Group were not developed; The porosity of Zhangjiapo Formation of Neogene Pliocene is 3.35%~31.2%, with an average of 13.3%;permeability is 0.47×10-3~235×10-3μm2, average 29.2×10-3μm2; the reservoir type belongs to class Ⅳ reservoir; the porosity of Lantian-Bahe Formation of Miocene is 5.2%~31.2%, with an average of 17%;permeability is 0.05×10-3~5684×10-3μm2, average 326×10-3μm2; the reservoir type belongs to class Ⅲ reservoir; the porosity of Gaoling Group of Miocene is 2.5%~13.9%, with an average of 5.8%;permeability 0.01×10-3~11.04×10-3μm2, average 0.75×10-3μm2; the reservoir type belongs to class Ⅵ reservoir; the compaction curve of sand and mudstone shows that Zhangjiapo constituent rock has weak strength, shallow to medium burial, normal weak compaction of rock, weak consolidation semi consolidation of sediment, easy sand production, and is in early diagenetic stage B.The acoustic moveout values of the lower section of Lantian-Bahe Formation and Gaoling Group mostly deviate, and the acoustic moveout values do not change significantly with the increase of depth, which is reflected in the characteristics of medium compaction strong compaction.Due to the deep burial of Lantian-Bahe Formation and Gaoling Group, the sediments are semi consolidated sandstone, which is not easy to produce sand.Lantian-Bahe Formation and Gaoling Group are mainly in late diagenetic stage A.Through the study of Neogene thermal reservoirs, it is believed that the thermal reservoirs in the Weihe River Basin are relatively stable.Promoting the geothermal water development in this area has guiding significance for realizing the goals of 2030 carbon peak, 2060 carbon neutral and double carbon.


