
    Monitoring, evaluation and prediction of ground deformation in the groundwater level drop area of Jiansanjiang area, Sanjiang plain

    • 摘要: 三江平原地下水开采量随着水稻种植规模快速扩张而大幅增加, 2021年水位相对1980年下降5~12 m, 是否因此引发地面形变甚至地面沉降成为社会关注的问题。采用二等水准测量方法和比拟法, 分析研究了三江平原建三江垦区地下水位降落漏斗地面形变现状与发展趋势及危险性。研究表明, 研究区50个二等水准测量点2019-2021年连续3期测量数据对比发现, 地表垂向形变量整体较小(最大-18.00 mm, 平均变化速率-4.6 mm/a)。预测到2040年, 地下水位降落漏斗中心水位埋深由2021年的19.88 m降至25 m左右, 考虑到研究区"上粘下砂"的二元岩性结构, 地下水位下降疏干的地层位于浅上部且厚度有限, 地面沉降量仍较小, 地质灾害发育程度弱、危险性小。本研究不仅回应了社会关切, 也为进一步开展相关研究奠定了基础。


      Abstract: The amount of groundwater exploitation in the Sanjiang Plain has increased significantly with the rapid expansion of rice planting scale; in addition, the water level in 2021 was 5~12 m lower than that in 1980.Whether it causes ground deformation and land subsidence has become a social concern.In this study, the present situation, development trend and risk of ground deformation of groundwater depression cone in Jiansanjiang reclamation area of Sanjiang plain has been analyzed and studied by using second-order leveling method and analogy method.The results showed that the vertical deformation of the surface was generally small(maximum-18.00 mm, average change rate-4.6 mm/a)by the comparison of the continuous three-period measurement data of 50 second-class leveling points in the study area from the year 2019 to 2021.It has been predicted that the depth of the water level in the center of the groundwater level depression funnel can be reduced from 19.88 m in 2021 to about 25 m in 2040.With the dual lithologic structure of ' upper clay and lower sand ' in the study area, the strata drained by the groundwater level drop was located in the shallow upper part and the thickness was limited.The amount of land subsidence was still small; the degree of geological disaster development was weak and the risk was small.This study was not only reponse to social concerns, but also a foundation for further researches.


