
    Study on breccia body characteristics and element migration during the metallogenetic process of Qiubudong silver deposit in Pingshan County, Hebei Province

    • 摘要: 河北平山县秋卜洞银矿为隐爆角砾岩型矿床, 为寻找近矿标志, 对该矿区的角砾岩体特征及围岩蚀变元素地球化学特征进行了研究。对角砾岩的地质、岩性、角砾特征(形态、大小、成分)、胶结物特征进行统计分析, 结果发现: ①由浅部到深部角砾形态为棱角状→次棱角状→次圆状; ②角砾大小在浅部呈现由边部向中心减小的趋势, 钻孔中角砾大小空间变化不明显; ③角砾成分由浅到深从以浅粒岩为主, 转变为以石英斑岩为主, 中部角砾成分稍复杂; 这种特征指示角砾岩体的形成依次受控于气爆(岩粉胶结)、液爆(金属硫化物胶结)与浆爆(岩浆胶结)作用。围岩蚀变过程中元素地球化学特征表明, 该过程带入的组分为SiO2、CaO、MgO等, 迁出的组分为K2O、Na2O、Al2O3、Fe2O3、FeO、Sr、Ba等, 成矿元素Au、Ag、Cu、Zn、Sb、Pb等含量明显增加, 鉴于Fe、Cu、Pb、Zn等以硫化物形式存在, 稀土元素特征显示成矿环境由氧化条件逐渐转变为还原条件。综合研究揭示, 该矿床形成经历了至少3个阶段流体沸腾作用, 银卸载成矿在隐爆角砾岩形成的基础上, 绢英岩化(带)与黄铁矿化叠加形成, 因此, 这2种蚀变的出现是靠近矿体的有利标志。


      Abstract: The Qiubudong silver deposit is a cryptoexplosive breccia type deposit. In order to find the indicators of proximity to the ore body, the characteristics of the breccia body and the geochemical characteristics of alteration elements in the host rock are studied in this paper. The statistical analyses of the geology and lithology of the breccia body, characteristics of the breccia (e.g., shape, size, composition) and cement indicate that: ① the shape of breccia changes from angular to subangular to subcircular as the depth increases; ② the size of breccia decreases from the edge to the center in the surface, and the spatial change of breccia size is not obvious in the borehole; ③ the composition of breccia changes from leptite to quartz porphyry, and then become complicated as the depth increases, which indicates that the formation processes of breccia body are dominated by gas explosion (rock powder cementation), liquid explosion (polymetallic sulfide cementation) and magmatic explosion (magma cementation) from the surface to the depth. The geochemical characteristics of elements in the alteration process of host rocks indicate that the introduced components are SiO2, CaO, MgO, and the migrated components are K2O, Na2O, Al2O3, Fe2O3, FeO, Sr, Ba, etc. The contents of ore-forming elements such as Au, Ag, Cu, Zn, Sb and Pb increased significantly. Considering that Fe, Cu, Pb and Zn existed in the sulfide, REEs showed that the ore forming environment gradually changed from oxidation condition to reduction condition. The comprehensive characteristics reveal that the deposit has undergone at least three stages of fluid boiling processes, and silver unloading mineralization occurs on the basis of sericitization as well as pyritization based on cryptoexplosive breccia formation. Therefore, the occurrence of these two types of alteration is a favorable indicator of proximity to the ore body.


