
    Geochemical anomalies spatial distribution of deep soil manganese in China and implications for potential prospects

    • 摘要: 锰矿是中国大宗紧缺战略性矿产, 在现代工业中具有广泛用途。近年来锰资源的战略地位急剧提升, 锰资源勘查也日益受到重视。确定Mn元素在中国的浓度和分布对寻找新的锰矿床和缓解锰资源短缺至关重要。依托中国地球化学基准计划采集3392个汇水域沉积物样品数据, 首次提供了中国深层土壤Mn地球化学背景和异常空间分布数据。全国汇水域沉积物深层样品Mn的平均含量为610 mg/kg, 背景值为574 mg/kg。依据全国汇水域沉积物深层样品地球化学数据, 以85%累积频率为异常下限, 共圈定出31个Mn地球化学异常, 归为15个地球化学省。根据Mn异常空间分布, 结合地质背景和矿床分布, 提出8处异常具有进一步寻找锰矿的远景区。


      Abstract: Manganese, as the national mass shortage strategic mineral resources, is fairly useful in modern industry. In recent years, the strategic position of manganese resources has risen sharply, and manganese resource exploration has also received increasing attention.It is crucial to determine the concentrations and distribution of Mn in China to facilitate prospecting for new Mn deposits and relieving Mn shortage in China.This paper provides an insight into national-scale geochemical concentration abundances and anomalous distribution of manganese in deep soil based on data of a total of 3392 catchment sediment samples.It is concluded that average concentration values of Mn in deep samples are 610 mg/kg and geochemical background values of Mn in deep samples are 574 mg/kg. A total of 31 geochemical anomalies were delineated respectively based on the 85% cumulative percentage and 15 geochemical provinces that were selected.According to the spatial distribution of manganese anomalies, combined with geological background and manganese deposit distribution, eight anomalies are proposed as potential prospects for further exploration of manganese deposit.


