
    The spatial changes of carbon storage and carbon fixation potential in five counties of Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province

    • 摘要: 黑龙江省齐齐哈尔地区的拜泉、依安、富裕、克山和克东五县市是中国著名的黑土之乡,也是中国最重要的粮食产区。近年来,该区域有关有机碳和全碳密度及储量的研究较少。依托松嫩平原齐齐哈尔地区黑土地地表基质调查的土壤有机碳及全碳测试结果对研究区平原地区地表20 cm以浅的有机碳和全碳储量、密度、空间分布及固碳潜力进行研究,并使用主成分分析法对影响有机碳储量变化的因素进行分析。通过研究得出,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市五县全碳储量为82.17 Mt,有机碳储量为67.93 Mt,属较高水平。地统计分析结果指示,地区内有机碳储量具有一定空间自相关性,其主控因素主要为嫩江的水蚀作用,其次为土壤类型和土地利用类型的变化。研究区表现出了较强的碳汇效应,表层土壤有机碳的固碳潜力为20.10 Mt,属于较高水平。研究结果表明,稳定良好的土壤环境有利于碳的富集和汇聚,N、S、Se、P等元素的富集对固碳具有极高价值,K2O、Na2O等无机盐的增加和土壤沙化等生态脆弱现象对碳储和碳汇影响较大。


      Abstract: The five counties and cities of Baiquan, Yi'an, Fuyu, Keshan, and Kedong in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, are famous as the hometown of black soil and also the most important grain producing areas in China. In recent years, there has been relatively little research on the density and storage of organic carbon (Corg) and total carbon (TC) in this region. This article relies on the soil organic carbon and soil total carbon test results obtained from the investigation of the black soil ground substrate in the Qiqihar area of the Songnen Plain to study the Corg and TC reserves, carbon density, spatial distribution, and carbon sequestration potential in the plain areas in the study area of Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, with a depth of less than 20 cm, and then use principal component analysis to analyze the factors affecting changes in organic carbon storage. It is found that the TC reserves in five counties of Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province is 82.17 Mt, and the Corg reserves is 67.93 Mt, which are at a relatively high level. The results of geostatistical analysis indicate that the Corg reserves in the region have a certain spatial autocorrelation, and the main controlling factor is the water erosion of the Nenjiang River, followed by changes in soil type and land use type. It exhibits a strong carbon sink effect, with a carbon sequestration potential of 20.10 Mt for surface soil Corg, which is at a relatively high level. As a result, it has been found that a stable and good soil environment is conducive to the enrichment and aggregation of carbon. The enrichment of elements such as N, S, Se, and P has extremely high value for carbon sequestration. The increase of inorganic salts such as K2O and Na2O and ecological fragile phenomena such as soil desertification have a significant impact on carbon storage and carbon sink phenomena.


