In the context of the new era of promoting the construction of ecological civilization, it is of great significance to explore the distribution pattern of carbon emissions and understand the driving factors of carbon emissions, in order to formulate emission reduction policies in accordance with local conditions and promote the high−quality development of the region. The Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration is one of the most active regions in China's economic development, and at the same time, it is also facing the increasingly serious problem of carbon emissions. Taking the carbon emissions of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration as the research object and the county as the research scale, we apply the spatial analysis methods such as Moran's I, cold and hot spot analysis to excavate the spatial distribution of carbon emissions in the region and analyze the multi−scale spatial relationship between carbon emissions and their influencing factors in the region based on the MGWR model. The following results are drawn: ① There are significant H−H (high−high) clustering and L−L (low−low) clustering of carbon emissions in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration; ② The cold spots of carbon emissions in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration are mainly distributed in Xuancheng and Anqing cities in Anhui Province, while the hot spots are mainly distributed in Shanghai, as well as in the southern part of Jiangsu Province; ③ GPP, road density, GDP, the proportion of the primary, secondary and tertiary industry have different impacts on carbon emissions on the global scale, and NDVI, population density and electricity consumption have different effects on carbon emission in local scale. It is also concluded that the greater the road density, GDP and electricity consumption, the greater the positive impact on carbon emissions, and the smaller the proportion of tertiary industry, the greater the negative impact on carbon emissions. The paper also puts forward several policy suggestions to reduce carbon emissions in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, including reducing carbon emissions due to high−density transportation network by optimizing transportation routes,encouraging green travel, and strengthening road supervision, etc., reducing the impact due to industrial structure by optimizing the industrial layout of towns and cities, upgrading the industrial structure and accelerating the technological upgrading, and reducing carbon emissions by guiding the reasonable transfer of labor force, expanding the greening area of the cities and upgrading the region's solid state capacity, etc. to reduce carbon emissions.