
    Ore-controlling structure and exploration target of Xiejiagou gold deposit in northwest Jiaodong area

    • 摘要: 谢家沟金矿床位于胶西北招平断裂带的分支断裂上,已进入危机矿山行列,研究谢家沟金矿床的构造控矿规律对于其深部及外围找矿有重要意义。在矿区现场开展构造地质调查,对矿脉及脉岩进行产状测量和统计,结合岩矿分析和同位素测试成果,重新厘定了矿区成矿构造系统。经研究可将成矿构造演化序列分为成矿前、成矿期和成矿后3期。矿区构造控矿规律表现为:矿体在走向上具有明显的NNE向优选方位;矿体总体由SW向NE侧伏;脉组呈左行雁列产出并具有明显的矿化中心;矿化分带与构造蚀变分带具有一致性。本文提出了2个找矿预测靶区,为下一步找矿增储提供参考。


      Abstract: Xiejiagou gold deposit is located on the branch rupture of the Zhaoping fault in northwest Jiaodong and has been a member of crisis mines. The study on the structural ore-controlling rules of the Xiejiagou gold deposit is of great significance to its deep and peripheral ore exploration. The metallogenic tectonic system of the mining area is reconstructed, based on structural geological survey, measurement and statistics of the attitudes of the ore veins and vein rocks, and analysis results of rocks and ores and isotopic geochemistry data. The evolutionary sequence of metallogenic structure can be divided into three phases: pre-mineralization, mineralization, and post-mineralization. The structural ore-controlling rules of the deposit can be described as follows: the strike of the ore body is obviously controlled by NNE orientation fault; the pitch of the ore bodies are from SW to NE; the vein group is distributed in echelon and formed by sinistral shear and has obvious mineralized centers; and the mineralized zones are consistent with the tectonic alteration zones. This paper proposes two target areas and provides reference for future ore exploration.


