
    Research on framework of geological information products system

    • 摘要: 加强地质成果产品化和产品服务化,是更好地实现地质成果价值的关键。通过开展地质信息产品基础问题研究,从产品的基本概念、产品属性、产品层次、产品分类出发,构建了地质信息产品体系框架,形成了数据、地质图、地学科普、馆藏资料、出版物、标准规范、软件、仪器设备与方法八大类产品系列及产品元数据和产品与服务的分级分类。在此基础上,以地质信息产品体系为指导,以用户多元化需求为导向,开展产品设计与开发规划,指导设计和开发针对不同层次用户的地质信息产品,以提升中国地质信息服务的精准化、规模化和高效化,助力新一轮找矿突破战略行动。


      Abstract: How to strengthen the production of geological achievements and product service, it is the key to realize the value of geological achievements better. In this paper, we study the basic problems of geological information products, which include the basic concept, product attribute, product level and product classification. We construct the framework of geological information products system, and form 8 types of geological information products series, including data, maps, popularizations, archives, publications, standards, software, instruments and methods, also we form the support factors such as product metadata and classification of products and services. We carry out product design and development planning on the basis of the product system and user demand, to design and develop geological information products that meet the needs of different users, in order to upgrade the precision, large-scale and high-efficiency of geological information service to promote China's new round of prospecting breakthrough.


