
    Ore geology of typical deposits in the Timok Cu-Au ore field, Serbia

    • 摘要: 特提斯成矿带是全球三大成矿带之一,阿普塞尼(Apuseni)−巴纳特(Banat)−蒂莫克(Timok)−斯雷德诺戈里斯基(Srednogorie)岩浆成矿带(ABTS多金属成矿带)位于特提斯成矿带西缘,由阿普塞尼–巴纳特铁铜铅锌矿集区、蒂莫克铜金矿集区和斯雷德诺戈里斯基铜金矿集区组成,成矿作用主要与晚白垩世钙碱性岩浆活动有关。塞尔维亚蒂莫克铜金矿集区作为ABTS多金属成矿带经济意义巨大的矿集区之一,总结该地区矿床地质特征及成矿规律对下一步的找矿勘查具有重要指导意义。综述了蒂莫克铜金矿集区及其典型矿床的地质特征,总结了矿集区成矿规律与动力学背景。蒂莫克铜金矿集区典型矿床形成时代集中在88 ~ 78 Ma之间,成矿作用历时10 Ma左右,矿集区内成矿作用时代呈现出由东向西逐渐年轻的趋势。矿集区中典型矿床类型主要为斑岩型(如马伊丹佩克矿床、克里韦利矿床和瓦利亚斯特尔茨矿床)和高硫化浅成低温热液-斑岩型(如博尔矿床和丘卡卢佩吉矿床),这些矿床以铜金矿化为主。矿床类型、矿化特征及矿体埋深存在的差异可能与区域上新生代右旋构造在矿集区形成的逆冲推覆构造及成矿后不均匀剥蚀有关。根据矿集区典型矿床的矿化类型及矿体埋深海拔标高的变化趋势,认为矿集区北部—西北部和丘卡卢佩吉矿床东南部仍具有一定的找矿潜力。


      Abstract: The Tethys metallogenic belt is one of the three major metallogenic belts in the world. Porphyry deposits, epithermal deposits and skarn deposits are widely developed in this belt. The ABTS metallogenic belt is composed of Apuseni-Banat, Timok and Srednogorie ore concentration in the western part of the Tethys metallogenic belt. The mineralization is mainly related to calc-alkaline magmatic activity in the Late Cretaceous. Timok ore field is one of the ore fields with great economic significance in the ABTS metallogenic belt. It is of great significance to summarize the geological characteristics and metallogenic regularity of the deposit in this area for prospecting and exploration. Based on an overview of the geological characteristics of typical deposits in the Timok ore field, the metallogenic regularity and dynamic background of the ore field are discussed in this paper. The results show that the typical ore deposit in Timok ore field was formed between 88 Ma and 78 Ma, and the mineralization lasted only about 10 Ma. The mineralization age in Timok ore field also shows a trend of becoming younger from east to west. The typical deposit types in the ore field are mainly porphyry deposits (such as Majdanpek deposit, Veliki Krivelj deposit and Valja Strz deposit) and high sulfidation epithermal-porphyry deposits (such as Bor deposit and Cukaru Peki deposit), which are mainly Cu-Au mineralization. The differences in deposit types, mineralization characteristics and burial depth of ore bodies are caused by thrusting nappe structure and uneven denudation after mineralization. At the same time, the mineralization types of typical deposits and the change trend of depth of ore bodies in the ore field indicate that there are still great prospecting potential in the north-northwest of the ore field, the southeast of the Cukaru Peki deposit.


